

Congress and the President selected Naval Station Treasure Island ("the Base") for closure and disposition by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission. The United States Department of Defense subsequently designated the City as the Local Reuse Authority ("LRA") responsible for the conversion of the Base under the federal disposition process.


The City elected to be governed by a process prescribed by the Federal Government in the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994 (the "Act"). The Act requires the LRA to propose a plan for using Base resources to assist homeless persons as part of its preparation of a land use plan for redevelopment of the Base. It also requires the LRA to enter into a legally binding agreement with representatives from the homeless services community.

The Treasure Island Homeless Development Initiative (TIHDI), a collaboration of community based organizations, was formed to develop the homeless component of the land use plan for redevelopment under the Act.


TIHDI submitted a Notice of Interest ("NOI") under the Act to the LRA requesting the use of certain buildings on the Base and proposing various programs on the Base to serve homeless and economically disadvantaged persons.


TIHDI & the City completed its discussions & finalized its Homeless Assistance Submission. The submission included the Agreement with TIHDI for specific opportunities to assist homeless and low income San Franciscans which was required under the Act. The Board of Supervisors endorsed the plan in July 1996 and, citing it as a model for base reuse for the country, the US Department of Housing & Urban Development approved it in November 1996.

TIHDI's Agreement included: reuse of 375 existing housing units; job opportunities through a 25% employment set aside for homeless & economically disadvantaged San Franciscans; economic development opportunities for nonprofits who had enterprises that trained and employed homeless and low income people such as service contracts and small businesses; and, service spaces to support formerly homeless residents in supportive housing.

The Naval Station Treasure Island was decommissioned in 1997 and in 1998 the Treasure Island Development Authority was created to replace the City as the LRA and to serve as a single entity responsible for the redevelopment of the Property. TIHDI began to implement its agreement with the City on all fronts.


The City entered into service contracts with TIHDI members Toolworks & Rubicon Programs for janitorial and landscaping services respectively.


TIHDI began its housing development program and selected its first housing "pioneers." The TIHDI Job Broker System was developed and began referring candidates for jobs on the island. Hundreds of people have been placed in temporary, short term and permanent jobs on the island as a result of this program.


TIHDI and its members first 86 housing units were renovated and occupied. More units came on line in 2000 & 2002 making a total of 196 units. Organized first of 10 annual community wide Festivals.


Boys & Girls Club recruited to provide summer and after school programming for island youth. Opened Food Pantry.


THIDI developed the supportive service space for families in supportive housing. Implemented a deconstruction pilot project with the SF Dept of Environment and hand dismantled 4 buildings.


The opening of the Ship Shape Community Center and beganing of renovations. Ship Shape chosen as a Rebuilding Together site in 2007.


The renovation of childcare center is completed and center opens to provide service to all island children. TIDA enters in to Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with developer, Treasure Island Community Development ("TICD"). TIHDI & TIDA begin meeting with TICD to incorporate TIHDI into redevelopment plan.


After a campaign to get recreation programming on the island for all island residents, TIDA renovated the gym and TIHDI assumed operations until a recreation provider could take over.


Started the campaign to Save Treasure Island School. School stays open but is closed after one semester. Work closely with SF Unified School District to assist in positive transfer of island students to off island schools.


The Board of Supervisors endorses the Redevelopment plan between TIDA and the developer, TICD. The plan includes replacement housing for TIHDI's existing units as well as opportunities for new housing and employment and economic development opportunities similar to those in TIHDI's 1996 Agreement.


Fifty-four units previously in the market rate housing provider's (the John Stewart Company) portfolio, were turned over to TIHDI under TIHDI's Sharing Agreement with TIDA. There are now 250 supportive housing units under the TIHDI umbrella. Developed Economic Self Sufficiency Program & created a Business Assistance Center in the Ship Shape. Organized first annual Treasure Island Black History month celebration.


Developed joint venture with Wine Valley Catering and Toolworks to create job opportunities in catering industry for low income San Franciscans.


Created Youth Empowerment Program, Boulevard for Success, with the Boys & Girls Club and Catholic Charities CYO.


Treasure Island is officially handed by the US Navy to the City of San Francisco. With Good Neighbors established a Tech Center offering computer classes and tech support as part of island wide WIFI program to "cross the digital divide."

Negotiated terms of updated TIHDI Agreement with the City; co-hosted successful District 6 Supervisors Candidates Forum with Good Neighbors of TI/YBI.


Updated & Amended TIHDI Agreement and the Developer’s (TICD) Disposition and Development Agreement were unanimously approved by the SF Board of Supervisors.


Increased the number of taxes prepared at VITA site and increased number of people placed in short term and on call jobs on Treasure Island.


Continued to support formerly homeless individual and families and low income San Franciscans by: operating a weekly food pantry; managing a computer lab drop in center & providing computer help to cross the digital divide; provided credit information & financial education & products; provided free tax preparation; created opportunities for short term, entry level jobs; supported a resident Leadership Training program and co-sponsored Island Health Fair, Back to School Backpack give away and Halloween events.


Renovated the Ship Shape Community Center, providing a clean and welcoming space for residents to: use computer lab; get financial education and support services; receive supplemental groceries; and host community events and meetings.


TIHDI launched its construction workforce preparation program, recruiting low income job seekers to learn more about the trades and how to prepare for specific construction job opportunities on Treasure Island.
Through the generous donations at TIHDI’s Annual Event & Fund a Need, TIHDI was able to upgrade all the computers in the computer lab, leading to better & more inspiring user experiences for those new to computers.


Began integrating the Construction Jobs Program with Economic Self Sufficiency Services so everyone coming through the program would receive support and mentoring on money management, debt reduction and asset building. Operated our Free Tax Site, preparing over 200 tax returns and successfully encouraged clients to save part of their refunds. Facilitated a Youth Needs Assessment for Treasure Island and created a Five Year Services Plan. Began a Five Year Strategic Planning process for TIHDI proposed for 2017-2022. Final document to be completed by mid-2017.

Client Success Story

Will Jefferson

Will 10As an Air Force Veteran, struggling with depression and experiencing homelessness, Will came to Treasure Island after connecting with the VA who referred him to Swords to Plowshares’ (a TIHDI member) residential program.

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